Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Luke Pownall

NAME: Luke Pownall (no middle name, 'I feel stooged!')
AGE: 23 years of age

that one where girls dont laugh so hard

sort of use my arm like im bouncing a bball

and like move my front foot as if im doing tic tacs on my board..

you know... i mean it looks pretttty good"

FAVRORITE CANDY (Luke's girlfran works at a candy store!):

"love heart lollies. we sit there in bed eating them and try to put the words on them in to a sentence without the other one noticing.

its so super gay but she likes me being this lame."

So you could either go look at his sweet blog with awesome photos on it, or you could just keep looking at child porn whilst checking over your shoulder every few seconds.. totally up to you.. really.

Sorry for the lack of actual content lately, I have just been finding new friends with blogs that you may enjoy :)

'You kinda need food to live' - Stephanie Grace.. pure genius.

Tim. xo

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rebecca Gumienny: The Blog.

If you like teen angst and beautiful photographs.. You need to start following RGum.

You will find the following:

Photos of Rebecca's Bedroom
Webcam photos of the beautiful girl herself
Photos of her trips to the fruit markets
Writing about the cute guy behind the counter at a Bakery, that she refuses to smile back to. (I do not approve of this)

All in all, an enjoyable blog.. check it out by clicking the following image.

Hope everyone smells nice, so someone else can tell you that you smell nice.

Timothy. xo

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New friend

Hedwig is the latest edition to the family!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day so far,
Going to dump all the photos from my phone into the next post.. so hold on tight!

Tim. x